These are some things that I found really helpful to own in my recovery, and also some things that might be good to have around.

Must haves:
Mobileg crutches on Amazon and Walker
Shower chair and shower mat to prevent slipping – After having gone through two surgeries, you could probably get by with a chair that can get wet. I did not need the shower mat either.
Multiple ice packs
CPM machine, DVT machine, and ice machine – surgeon should set you up with these – I did not end up using the ice machine as I found it hard to get into.
Grabber – helps you reach out of reach items
Leg lifter- you will not be able to lift your leg for five weeks minimum – I was not able to use it for some reason. Just didn’t work for my body.
Bed pan or bedside commode- I found the bedpan to be sufficient enough
Dry shampoo
Long iphone charger – great for the hospital
Extra pillows and blankets- you will be very uncomfortable for the first few weeks
Stool softeners and milk of magnesia for the first week
Extras: May be useful but not imperative
Healthy nutritional foods; Chicken broth, proteins, yogurts, lots of vegetables, fruits, legumes
Sticky socks so you don’t have slide around on the floor
Ensure protein drinks (handy to have several with you)
Several water bottles or tall cups to ensure you are drinking enough throughout the day and it’s easier to fill multiple at once. Make sure they won’t be a dangerous hazard if they fall- plastic might be better for the first two weeks.
Extra bandages just in case- ask surgeon for best kind if needed (I didn’t need any but I had some anyways)
Lip balm – lips can get very dry after being under anesthesia
Tea for sore throat after being intubated
Heat pack for sore muscles
Long computer charger
List of things to do to keep yourself preoccupied at home if you get tired of laying around
What I brought to the hospital:
Several changes of comfy clothes and pajamas – didn’t need any of them as I kept the gown on the whole time
Large underwear so my incision didn’t rub against clothing
Toothbrush and toothpaste
Extra water bottles in case the staff were slow to fill my water- had no issues there
Lip balm
All medications
Phone, Phone charger, Laptop, and Laptop charger – The first two days all I did was sleep
Book- Didn’t even read it
Board game – Didn’t even get a chance to play chess
Stuffed animal
Headphones and earbuds in case the hospital was loud- never needed them either